IMAP Configuration

  1. Using the following configuration values:

  2. Click on the File tab in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window.
    Click Ribbon File Tab

  3. Click Add Account.
    Add Account

  4. Select Manual setup or additional server types. Click Next.

  5. Select POP or IMAP. Click Next

  6. Enter your name and email address.

  7. Incoming Server Name: // Port: 993 // Require SSL: (SSL/TLS) // Authentication: yes

  8. Username: []

  9. Password: Enter your password

  10. Outgoing Server Name: // Port: 465 // Require SSL: Yes (SSL/TLS) // Authentication: yes

  11. Username: []

  12. Password: Enter your password

  13. Click More Settings…

  14. Switch to the Outgoing Server tab.
    Outgoing Server

  15. Check My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

  16. Switch to the Advanced tab.